Hi, I’ve been a makeup artist and hairstylist for 17 years, working with thousands of women of all different ages. This blog is all about celebrating womanhood and giving you easy tips and tricks for looking as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside.
Today, I’m going to be giving you five tips on how to keep your hair looking as lush and youthful as possible for as long as possible. And we’re going to start right now.
Let’s start by addressing what happens to the scalp and the hair as we age because we can’t know what to do to improve things if we don’t know what is happening.
One of the first things that happens is the hair loses pigmentation. This can start early for some people and much later for other people to show you this variation.
My friend Hannah is fully gray and she’s 35. I’m 37. I don’t have any grays at all. My sister’s 40 and her hair is completely virgin. And she has very little gray as well.
My dad is 62. This is how much gray he has. This change, like everything else, really is completely individual.

Then around 45 to 55 women go through menopause. The hormonal changes that come with that lead to a whole slew, a whole slew of physical changes.
The appearance of your skin, nails, and hair is directly correlated with what’s going on internally. So it’s no surprise that the hair changes drastically around this time as the inside of your body is changing drastically as well.
One of the most noticeable changes is that oil production decreases, which results in increased dryness of the scalp and then brittleness of the hair. As estrogen levels decrease, there can also be a link to hair thinning and hair loss.
So in summary, your hair over time may start looking drier and more brittle, which results in more frizz, and it can also get thinner and finer.
Tip number one
Tip number one deals with combating the dryness that you may be experiencing, and this tip is to reduce the amount of heat you’re using on your hair.
Dry hair loses elasticity and becomes more easily damaged by everything. So if you heat style healthy hair, as long as you do it properly, it’s typically fine.
But if you heat out really dry and wiry hair, it will get significantly more damaged because the fibers are not strong enough to withstand the heat.
So they will break. It just becomes a vicious cycle because if your hair is dry, it doesn’t look good unless it’s heat-styled. But if it’s heat-styled, then it gets dryer.

So I have a solution for you because not all of us look good with our hair. Air dried, myself included. I literally cannot live without styling my hair. It’s just not going to happen.
My texture doesn’t allow for that. It just won’t look good. It won’t look good.
There is a cool blow dryer that I discovered on the market called the Zuvy Halo. This dryer has been called the future of hair care, and it is a very innovative tool. I’ve seen it everywhere.
Everyone is talking about this and for good reason. What makes this unique is that it doesn’t have any heating coils or a blow dryer with no heating coils. Okay, stay with me.
It uses something called hair technology, which is inspired by nature. The best way to describe this is to think about going for a walk outside with wet hair.
Your hair will eventually dry because of two things sunshine and wind. Zuvy has found a way to package sunshine and wind into a blow dryer. It’s wild. It’s the craziest, coolest thing.
So if you compare it to a regular blow dryer, regular blow dryers use heat. And when to blow dry the hair, right?
You get super hot wind coming at you. That essentially just blasts the water out of the hair. Zivy uses infrared light energy to dry water on the hair surface without damaging the internal cortex.
So the hair gets dry on the outside while the inside stays hydrated. Isn’t that so? Freaking cool? Isn’t that amazing?
If you do end up getting this in your kit, you’re going to get three things. So you’re going to get a gentle air attachment.
I use that for rough drying my hair before doing any detail work. You also get a concentrator for detailed drying and then you get a diffuser for curls.
If you have curly hair or wavy hair like me, you will be obsessed with this because you will get so much less frizz and your curls won’t dry out at all.
But if you want to smooth your hair out and wear it shiny and straight, you can use your round brush and a concentrator and do that as well. And it also works well.
It is truly the best blow dryer if your goal is to get and maintain very, very healthy hair. If that is your goal, if you feel like your hair is aging and getting dry and wiry and breaking like crazy, try the Zuvy halo.
You can still get the benefit of styling your hair, but without any of the damage over time, it could transform your hair into a beautiful, shiny, silky result. That is always the goal.
Tip number two
Tip number two also has to do with repairing that dry, wiry feeling that the hair may have now applying hair oil on the nights when you plan to wash your hair the next morning may help with frizz and dryness.
Hair oiling has gained popularity recently, but its roots stem back like 5000 years. This is a thing that has been done forever.
You can go deep down this rabbit hole online and find so much information about it.
Some people recommend using oils from your kitchen and there are loads of articles written on that, but I find that it’s better and that I get less weight on my fine hair if I use a product specifically made for doing this.
My favorite one right now is by the company called Keratin. It’s the fresh, nourishing oil. This can be used to style your hair by applying a couple of drops after it’s blow dry to the tips.

Or you can use it as a hair oiling treatment, which is my favorite way to use it. So what I do is I apply it on my hands, I rub them together and then I start by saturating the ends well where my hair is almost dry.
And then I move up the hair shaft into the roots and get my roots a little massage.
Then I gently plop it on the top of my head with a scrunchie. I put a towel on my pillow so that I don’t wreck my pillowcase. And then I go to sleep.
The next morning I do my regular shampoo and conditioner and I’m good to go doing this a couple of times a week does make your hair feel super, super soft and it does make a difference over time.
If you know you’re going to take a shower the next day, take one or 2 minutes to give yourself a hair oil treatment and go to sleep with that oil in your hair. And then you can thank me the next morning after you wash it out and your hair feels amazing.
Tip number three
Tip number three is going to be seriously controversial, and I am bracing myself for the comments because there are people who think that going natural with your color makes you look super old. I am not one of those people.
I love natural gray hair. I think it is so shiny and beautiful and in my opinion, has a huge regrowth line every two weeks.
Does it make you look any younger, shiny, healthy hair makes you look younger. So if you’re getting tired of the maintenance, don’t be afraid to try growing it out if you want to.
I’ve had so many people, so many clients tell me how incredibly liberating it was and how much more flattering looks.
And I think the main reason for that is because it’s healthier and healthy. Hair is the most flattering thing ever.
It’s the most flattering thing you can wear if you do decide to go natural. My tip for you is to use purple shampoo or a purple treatment mask a couple of times a week to get rid of any yellow pigment that may end up muddying up your silver.
Very light hair tends to go yellow over time because of minerals in the water up from the sun product buildup and a whole host of other reasons.
Purple is a complementary color to yellow on the color wheel. So what it does is it neutralizes the tone and turns the hair super icy and bright. It is beautiful.
Tip number four
Tip number four is to pump up the volume in your hair. There is nothing that gives you more of a facelift other than an actual facelift. The volume in your hair. I’m telling you, volume in your hair. It is a game changer.

A really easy way to achieve this is to use volume products before you blow dry your hair. I like using volume Mousses because they pump the hair up so much.
Another tip is to use velcro rollers in a mohawk section to get that top layer super, super full.
The only thing with velcro rollers is that they do need a little heat for them to work.
So if you want to minimize damage, you can blow the hair out with the zuby, put the velcro rollers in, and heat them slightly with another warm blow dryer and a diffuser attachment if you have one.
And then let it cool. This needs very minimal amounts of heat to work, so it’s not going to be damaging if you do it this way and it really will yield in enormous results that should last you pretty much the whole day.
Tip number five
Tip number five is to embrace a new haircut. If you feel like your haircut is doing nothing for you, it is so easy to do what we’re used to doing and to stay with the look that made us feel great when we were younger.
But as we age, we have to alter things to make sure that it’s flattering for our new selves. And a haircut is a big one.
If your hair is starting to thin out, consider going a little bit shorter to strengthen the baseline to give the illusion that the hair has more density.
If you are losing a lot of volume in your cheeks or you’re getting a lot of sagging in the jawline and neck, consider adding face-framing layers or maybe even a fringe to naturally contour and chisel out the face.