This is one of my favorite topics. It can be a massive challenge when your grays start coming in. And I think the first instinct we have is to hide it. Color those whites. They’re making me look older.
You start by plucking them out. I know you do. Don’t even lie. The plucking phase quickly turns to 20%, then 50, then 75, and then you’re all white, baby. You’re all white. I’m not opposed to dyeing them. My grandma dyed her hair every four weeks until she was, like, 85 or something. It just made her feel better.
But here’s the thing. The more gray you are, the more you see that regrowth line, and the faster you see it. So you go to the salon, you spend a fortune. Three weeks later, there it is again. And then you do it again and again and again and again and again and again.
It’s not only time-consuming, but it’s also really expensive. So some people turn to box dye. No judgment here. But then what can happen is it can lead to inkiness, dryness, and even a lack of multilineal quality.
The hair can become a little bit flat in color. The struggle is real. Honestly. In the last few years, going ashy like mushroom brown, which was a huge trend, going platinum, and even silver became massively trendy.
And I love that so many people have started to embrace their natural gray color because it’s kind of the perfect way to get out of that cycle of dyeing, bleaching, and then just endlessly fighting against aging.
The biggest piece of advice that I have for you, if you’re looking at transitioning out of coloring your hair, is to start by ashing out your hair.
Mistake Number One
Mistake number one is having a warm hair color contrasting with your gray hair. Warm-toned browns like chestnut and even warm-toned blondes like honey are a massive contrast to gray because they are opposite. There are warm colors and there are cool colors, and gray is cool.

So if you put it beside something warm, it looks really bad. So if your hair is a warm milk chocolate brown, for example, and then your grays come in, there will be a huge contrast, and that is all your eye will focus on.
A great option for you is to start transitioning your hair into a color like mushroom brown and even mixing ash gray highlights with deep brown, ashy low lights.
Essentially what you need to do is have some gray blending going on, and the way that you do that is by mixing various dark and light ashy shades to blend the natural gray out. Today I want to focus on taking care of gray hair so that it looks amazing. I have seen clients with gray hair where it’s very dry, wiry, yellowed out, and even frizzy.
Mistake Number Two
A gray hair mistake number two is not incorporating a purple shampoo into your hair care routine. Gray hair can get a yellow tinge to it very quickly, and that’s because the hair itself contains little to no pigments, so it can pick up pigments in the actual environment.
If your shampoo has a yellow tinge to it, that could do it, and even sunshine can do it.
So wearing a hat when it’s very bright outside is a great idea. It will minimize the yellowing of the hair. If you wear a hat, though, and the hair still does yellow, you can easily tone it from home with a strong purple shampoo.

Purple is the opposite color on the color wheel to yellow, so it will neutralize it and turn it back to silver. If you’re doing this from home, you can even get out of the shower and leave that purple shampoo on for like 20 minutes if you want a powerful result.
You do not want to use purple shampoo too often, though, because if there is nothing to neutralize, your hair can take on a bit of a lilac tone. It can also tend to be a little bit dehydrating. Purple shampoo can dry out the hair. And that brings me to mistake number three.
Mistake Number Three
Mistake number three is not properly hydrating your hair. Gray hair has a different texture because it’s lost a lot of pigment or melanin, and the hair follicle doesn’t produce as much oil.
Oil works to hydrate the hair. That’s why gray hair often can feel coarse, dry, and even wiry, but products can help substantially to offset this problem. The most beautiful and hydrating shampoo and conditioner that I’ve ever used is by a brand that I never even heard of before.
They are called Goldilocks. They sent me their products and I tested them and I instantly fell in love. They are super hydrating but also super light. It’s very bizarre actually, because normally hydrating products can lead to weight and heaviness in the hair and this just doesn’t.
This feels like luxury hair care and it is so you want to use your purple shampoo once or twice a week and then the rest of the week you need to use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner like the Goldilocks Ultra hydrating signature shampoo and conditioner set.
Mistake Number Four
Mistake number four is skipping out on treatment masks. How many people in the comments section do a treatment mask once a week? Goldilocks Ultra hydrating signature hair mask is super rich in vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. So it repairs, restores, and softens dry hair.
Another tip I have for you here is to put your treatment mask under heat. This will open the cuticle layer up and will get the conditioner down deeper. It makes it work a lot better. You guys don’t have a hooded dryer at home, but you can purchase these microwavable heat caps that are also awesome. I use those on myself all the time.
Mistake Number Five
Mistake number five is destroying your hair with heat. Gray hair can be quite fragile, so you want to use the proper prep products and go easy on the heat styling to add that extra hydration back into your hair.
I started with the Goldilocks leave-in conditioner because it strengthens the hair, fights frizz, and enhances shine.

And then I followed it up with the star product here, which is the signature serum. This gives really deep hydration and nourishment, but it also protects from breakage and UV damage, which is awesome. This stuff is seriously so good.
It provides humidity resistance, adds shine, and just makes your hair look soft and nice. All right, so instead of blowing the hair out and waving it like I normally do, I decided to use my Dyson air wrap.
This is one step instead of two. I’m waving and drying at the same time. So this is a very interesting hot tool and a few years ago. I do have mixed feelings about the Dyson airwrap. It has very controlled heat, it works well, and the technology ensures that you are not frying your hair.
Is it the perfect hot tool? I don’t think so. Is it a little overrated? I think so. But is it a unique and impressive hot tool also? Yes.
Mistake Number Six
Mistake number six that I often see made is not adding any type of supplement to your hair care routine. Your hair is a reflection of what is going on internally.

And as women age over 50% notice that their hair is thinning. Goldilocks has an awesome supplement for this. There are some amazing reviews about it. I’ve been using it personally every day for a month and I’ve already noticed more energy.
My nails are much stronger, they’re growing a lot faster, and my skin is glowing. My hair looks great. And really, the results with these things just get better and better over time. So if I’m seeing results in one month, I’m going to have significantly better results in three to six months.
If you are having any issues with hair loss, or brittleness, or you feel like your skin looks sallow, take a look at this supplement because I feel like this could help.
Oftentimes supplementation is like the missing link when you’re going through beauty issues. And it’s something very simple to try just to see if you end up getting results. And I mean, most of the time you do. And there you have it. Bye.